The development of the energy industry around the world is moving at a high pace. In the coming decades, energy needs will only increase — this is facilitated, among other things, by the improvement and complexity of the digital industry. Not only manufacturing enterprises, settlements and farms need energy. The issues of designing, modernizing and preparing the construction of energy centers are becoming more and more urgent. This is one of the directions of PALACE FOR BUSINESS LLC.
Enterprises that intend to create an autonomous and reliable infrastructure require more modern solutions than typical power plants. We provide our customers with exactly such options, designed in accordance with the goals and objectives of a particular business. The design of oil refineries is one of the main activities of the company. All work is carried out taking into account the individual requirements of the Customer for the quality of refined petroleum products and the overall productivity of the plant. Each oil refinery is a complex complex of technological equipment, structures, production lines and chains, which must ensure optimal process performance, compliance of the resulting petroleum products with state standards, as well as be environmentally friendly.
For the effective operation of the plant, individual design is required based on the specifics of the future construction site, the properties of refined petroleum products, and the requirements for their degree of purification in compliance with processing capacities. Advantages of cooperation with PALACE FOR BUSINESS LLC When designing an oil refinery, we rely on our extensive experience in the design and construction of a number of small, medium and large oil refineries, so we already have properly developed technical solutions, the effectiveness of which has already been proven during their subsequent operation by our Customers.